
2021/07/12 Dr. Hönle AG teams up with lighting expert LEDVANCE for UVC air disinfection

In addition to Europe-wide sales activities for the Hönle product line SteriWhite Air the cooperation includes the joint development of new UVC disinfection systems.
除了歐洲範圍內的銷售活動,為Hönle產品線SteriWhite Air的合作包括新的UVC消毒系統的聯合開發。

For almost five decades UV specialist Dr. Hönle AG has been developing and manufacturing UV systems for al multitude of various applications and markets, amongst them UVC systems for disinfecting water or surfaces. Hönle UVC devices for surface disinfection are mainly used in application fields with highest hygiene standards as in food production or in hospitals. UVC disinfection is chemical-free, fast, and reliable – and with a proved disinfection rate of 99,99 % on surfaces highly efficient against SARS-CoV-2.
近五十年來,紫外線專家 Dr. Hönle AG 一直在為各種應用和市場開發和製造紫外線系統,其中包括用於水或表面消毒的 UVC 系統。 好樂 UVC 表面消毒設備主要用於食品生產等衛生標準最高的應用領域
或在醫院。 UVC 消毒是無化學物質、快速且可靠的——並且經證實對 SARS-CoV-2 的表面消毒率為 99.99%。

Right at the beginning of the Corona epidemics in early 2020, Dr. Hönle AG developed the SteriWhite Air Q115, an air disinfector for rooms with constant occupancy, effective against infection with Covid-19. In the meantime, Hönle has developed a whole product series called SteriWhite Air Q. Today they can now offer the optimum solution for each room size, if waiting area, office, schoolroom, hotel room or restaurant. „Our SteriWhite Air Q units are the missing link in each hygi- ene concept. They provide disinfected air where people come together indoors and where continuous airing is not possible. “, explains Heiko Runge, Member of Board at Dr. Hönle AG. He also points out that without air hygiene their will not be a fast and lasting back to normal.
就在 2020 年初冠狀病毒流行之初,Hönle AG 博士開發了 SteriWhite Air Q115,這是一種適用於經常有人入住的房間的空氣消毒器,可有效對抗 Covid-19 感染。 與此同時,好樂開發了一個名為 SteriWhite Air Q 的完整產品系列。 今天,他們現在可以為每個房間大小提供最佳解決方案,如果是等候區、辦公室、教室、酒店房間或餐廳。 „我們的 SteriWhite Air Q 裝置是每個衛生概念中缺失的一環。 它們為人們在室內聚集和無法連續通風的地方提供經過消毒的空氣。 “,Hönle AG 博士董事會成員 Heiko Runge 解釋說。 他還指出,如果沒有空氣衛生,就不可能快速、持久地恢復正常。

Though he, as everybody else, is hoping for a light-hearted summer without anxious glances on corona incidences. But he also fears that this could be different in autumn, regardless of the vaccination status: “We all will have to learn to live with Corona for a long time and we will have to cope with it, which means we have to protect ourselves against infec- tions.“ Here, UVC air disinfection can make an important contribution.
儘管他和其他人一樣,希望度過一個輕鬆愉快的夏天,而不必擔心冠狀病毒事件。 但他也擔心秋天的情況可能會有所不同,無論疫苗接種情況如何:“我們都將不得不學會長期與冠狀病毒共存,我們將不得不應對它,這意味著我們必須保護自己免受感染。”在這裡,UVC 空氣消毒可以做出重要貢獻。
That is why Heiko Runge is very happy about the new cooperation with LEDVANCE, a worldwide leading supplier in the lighting industry, for professional lighting users as well as for end customers. LEDVANCE has more than 100 year of experience in the field of lighting and the necessary know-how in UVC air disinfection. “This co-operation is a great chance for both our companies”, says Heiko Runge. „We have the technology and LEDVANCE close and long-standing customer contacts throughout Europe.” This outstanding market access is very useful to reach the goal of both light experts: being fast at making Europe safer.
這就是為什麼 Heiko Runge 對與 LEDVANCE 的新合作感到非常高興,LEDVANCE 是照明行業的全球領先供應商,為專業照明用戶和最終客戶提供服務。 LEDVANCE 在照明領域擁有 100 多年的經驗以及 UVC 空氣消毒的必要專業知識。 “這次合作對我們兩家公司來說都是一個很好的機會”,Heiko Runge 說。 “我們在整個歐洲擁有技術和 LEDVANCE 密切和長期的客戶聯繫。” 這兩位照明專家在出色的市場中達到對於實現的目標是非常有用:快速使歐洲更安全。
Dr. Oliver Vogler, Managing Director Western Europe at LEDVANCE, is convinced that UVC air disinfection will be an important part of future hygiene concepts: “We at LEDVANCE Europe believe that UVC disin-fection devices are a great helper to bring back indoor air quality in a new normal during and after the continuous pandemic, besides other technological alternatives.”
LEDVANCE 西歐董事總經理 Oliver Vogler 博士堅信 UVC 空氣消毒將成為未來衛生概念的重要組成部分:“我們 LEDVANCE Europe 相信 UVC 消毒除了其他技術替代方案外,感染設備是在持續大流行期間和之後使室內空氣質量恢復到新常態的好幫手。”

And both companies agree in one more opinion: NOW is the time to act.
